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shrinking stepbro for my amusement - immeganlive

Perfect mix of how terrifying yet exciting it must be to be my shrunken toy! My step bro comes to me for my aid. He enlisted in a experiment where he gets shrunk and has to undergo some tests to check his durability and other side effects of being shrunk. In return he gets a large amount of money. He hands over a shrinking device and some papers with tests to conduct. He had to find somebody he could trust and choose me. Why is beyond my grasp as I only see oppurtunity to mess with him. I have to go to work though, but decides to take the offer now before he changes his mind and accept the responsiblity of being his care taker. I take the device and paper and begin to shrink him down. He ends up right between my feet as I marvel how your once big and strong step brother is now nothing more then a tiny toy on the ground. I play with him using my feet for a moment, and see the surprise and horror on his face. I smile and tell him he should have known I would have fun with this...........

  • 00:30:51
  • Nov 29, 2021
  • 137


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