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pantsing around the house vol. 1 - immeganlive

It all started when I was outside doing some gardening, he came out of nowhere and pantsed me to my panties where everybody could see me! I was so embarrassed and shy omg I couldn t believe he did that. And I had my dirty gardening gloves on! Had to go back inside! I don t know what got into him, but from that point forward, any chores I was doing around the house, he would sneak in and pantsed me! From the front, from the side, from behind. He just didn t care. The first times he did them, I was really embarrassed, but the more he did it, the more I didn t care, at the point that the last one he did I just continued walking with my pants down, the hell with him. I don t understand him, he thinks that s so funny and sexy to pull down my pants all over the place!
Tags : ass, butt, panties, POV, walking, submissive, humiliation, public, games, voyeur, gfe, public-flashing, ass-shaking, leggings, laughing, pantsed, embarrassment, pantsing, imposed-stripping, t-shirts-and-panties

  • 00:07:13
  • Nov 29, 2021
  • 96


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