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distracted by tits

Tyler is feeling pretty down about himself since he just lost his job. His girlfriend, Kay, tries to make him feel better by coming up with some options he can look into for new work. However, her giant, perky, perfect tits are making it hard for him to focus. Who needs a job when you got some A+ boobies right infront of you, that shits worth a million bucks right there! He can t help his urges so he starts to rub up her tits and get them nice and oiled up. She starts to get really horny so she sucks his dick. She gives him an amazing blowjob and then he fucks those tits like there s no tomorrow. They fuck in multiple positions and then she drains his balls and lets out every last drop of his cum all over her pretty face and perfect knockers.

  • 00:35:24
  • Nov 30, 2021
  • 907


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