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shrinking and cooking my step brother - immeganlive

Following the experiments on my step brother from my other video SHRINKING step BRO FOR MY AMUSEMENT , I convinced everybody that my step brother went to a long trip abroad. Now I have him all for myself for a long time. Last night I used my step brother and left him inside me while I slept in. My step brother woke up earlier then he managed to stick his head out, but is stuck until I wake up. He can still see the sextoy between my legs which stretches out for miles. Suddenly my legs move a bit and he knows I m awake. My hand and fingers come into view, searching for him and I tease him a bit when I find him. It s the weekend and I have all the time in the world and decide to go for a quicky. To my step brother s horror I pick up the same sextoy and use it to masturbate together with my step brother. Sometimes he even gets pushed inside. Eventually I am done and start my day. I keep him between my lips and he can only watch as I get out of bed and start my day, brushing my teeth etc..

  • 00:18:40
  • Dec 06, 2021
  • 128


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