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looner girls funlooner girls fun - immeganlive and claradee

My friend Clara Dee came home to visit me this afternoon. What s better to do than play with balloons, right! So I ve pulled out a bunch of balloons that were sitting there impatiently to have our bodies, mouths and hands on! We re blowing lots of them, rubbing them on our bodies, boobs. Then, we re having fun doing some blow to pop and sit to pop. So exciting! But we re so scared when it comes to popping! Then, we ve introduced the first ever BOOBS TO POP, putting the balloon between our tits, and pull thrust each other in order to try and make it pop. Do you think we ve succeeded?
Tags : bouncing, balloons, pop, bounce, popping, big-boobs, inflation, laugh, looner, sitpop, looners, blowpop, b2p, sit-to-pop, blow-to-pop, loons, long-neck, clara-dee, sit2pop, loonerism

  • 00:13:02
  • Dec 06, 2021
  • 73


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