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a horny christmas carol

The Holidays aren t for everyone. In fact, some people, like Peter Green, can become such a scrooge on Christmas. When he visits his girlfriends house on Christmas Eve, he finds out that her and her stepmom are obsessed with Christmas. They sit him down to watch their favorite holiday movie, but when Peter falls asleep, the unthinkable happens. He s awaken by The Ghost of Christmas, who s there to show Peter how much better his life could be if he had the spirit of Christmas in his heart. The fun, Christmas loving version of Peter is suprised with a threesome with his girlfriend and her stepmom. Now he can really make it snow. He fucks them in multiple positions and lets out a huge load from his candy cane all over their faces.

  • 00:44:24
  • Dec 24, 2021
  • 852


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