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kikicali pees her swimsuit during waitress interview

Cute Kiki Cali is being interviewed for a bikini waitressing position & she seems kind of shy (little did I know, she had to pee!) & kind of figedty. Is she just nervous or something? Everything is going well but when asked to show her swimsuit it looked like there was a wet spot on her crotch! Wait... There s liquid on the floor! Where did that come from? Could she be pis... no way! How totally embarrassing, this cute girl is wetting herself in front of you and that it s not happening! You can see the pee gushing out of her swimsuit crotch and there s no hiding it now. Soon she s pissing her one piece swimsuit in front of you, making a puddle at her feet and is so humiliated. SHe gets shown the bathroom and tries to dry herself with TP and then a hairdryer. No luck though. CUte behind the scenes of KikiCali giggling away
Tags : pee, peeing, wetting, omorashi, ineed2pee, female-desperation, wetting-her-panties, wetting-panties

  • 00:08:52
  • Jan 24, 2022
  • 214


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