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sensual messy squirting on babes face

Adora and I were resting, and I got so turned on watching her nap. I start masturbating to the site of her huge and perfectly plump ass, and not before too long, she wakes up and is more than willing to join the fun. We start touching each other and making out. Tasting each others lips. She starts feeling me and touching my skin.. my thighs.. all the way down until she is moving my shorts to the side to rub my cute pink pussy. She starts rubbing my clit, moving it back and forth with my spit and her spit. She rubs my clit until I cum. I cum three times from how turned on Adora makes me. Every time I cum, I squirt, everywhere. With three different angles of squirts all over Adora s face, your cock will be throbbing and drained empty after watching this little sexy clip.

  • 00:06:16
  • Jan 28, 2022
  • 165


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