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rough sex fight nasty lesbian wrestling

Ellie Boulder and Luna Sapphire go 3 rounds in a rough sex fight, and strong Ellie easily defeats wimpy Luna! In the first round of tit-slapping, Luna starts out confident but she can’t win against Ellie’s powerful slaps! Their tits and nipples turn bright pink from the smacks and Ellie wins the first round.
Round two has the contestants in a 69 position with Ellie on top, dominating Luna with her big ass. The fight starts to get nasty as Ellie rubs Luna’s nose in her smelly ass, farts in her face and even pisses on her! Luna tries to fight back and fart on Ellie, but even when Luna gets on top Ellie effortlessly overpowers her by holding her head down. Ellie wins round two!
For the final round, the woman with the strongest cunt must win. Ellie trash talks Luna’s small clit, showing off her big meaty clit. Luna still thinks she can win the last round and bust Ellie’s pussy. They scissor roughly, each aiming to crush the other’s clit. Though Luna tries to win at least one round, E

  • 00:14:14
  • Apr 21, 2022
  • 154


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