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diaper lover punishment indica made to wear by sinn sage

diaper lover punishment Indica made to wear by Sinn Sage
for diaper lovers with NO ageplay elements at all, just some hot diaper punishment and cumming.
Sinn confronts Indica about her dirty panties around the house & decided she has a solution for it... she drags her into the nursery and is going to make her wear and use diapers for the entire weekend. she uses restraints on her hands so she can t protest, but indica protests verbally and does not want to have her bathroom taped onto her. Wipes, powder and Sinn tapes it up. then Sinn puts the leg restraints on Indica and uses a pink vibrating wand over her diaper to make her cum. Lots of protesting but she can t fight the feeling. Then, Sinn puts Indicas blue dress on since they re going out later & but the huge white diaper bulge is undeniable... everyones gonna see she s wearing a diaper. lots of great talk between the two and lots of verbal and emotional pushback from Indica about not wanting to be diapered.

  • 00:18:39
  • May 04, 2022
  • 248


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