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lizzy lamb nice nurse changes your messy diapers abdl

a homecare nurse Lizzy Lamb comes over and you ve left her a list of things for her to do while you re in AB mode. she s a little confused that you re an adult but she is so sweet, nice and loving that she doesn t judge at all & treats you like how you want to be treated. It s feeding time first... nom nom BB food. Then it s messing diaper time & she reads you a story about messing to encourage you to push hard into your diaper. you fill your diapers in the back! the next item on Lizzys list is make cummies in your diaper and she uses the pink vibrating wand over your diaper while talking cute abdl talk and encouraging you to cum. then it s diaper change time and she ll need a lot of wipes to wipe that dirty bottom. then it s into a new fresh diapee and a game of patty cake with this lovely sweet age nurse
Tags : diaper, ageplay, abdl, diapers, regression, lizzy-lamb

  • 00:21:15
  • May 09, 2022
  • 184


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