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slut training: skylar madison

Ladies and Gents I give you Skylar Madison - This amazing Slut came to me via ISinXXX. He invited me to come to socal to help him in the training of a few Sluts he was working with, this was one of them. When she walked in the room she did not say very much but as the crew was getting things set up I talked to her a lil bit and came to see she was not talking much cause she was nervous, she was a lil star struck and really scared of big black cock aka Monstercock and that really did not know how to handle it. I also found out that she loves to fuck, loves to fuck a lot but that guys were not using her right. WOW. Fine, sexy and loves to fuck? and not getting fucked right? thats insane to me. So as I whispered in her ear I let her know that she would be used well if she submitted to BBC like she has always dreamed of. I whispered all sorts of filthy things in her ear and by the time iSiNXXX said action she pounced my dick as if she had never had dick before and would never get it again.

  • 00:25:17
  • May 24, 2022
  • 505


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