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christy love vs. richard mann

Christy Love is a Asian miracle on 2 legs. She is calm and dont talk to much. Well not until you get her in the bed. Once you do is magic time. I shot with this sexy woman less than a week ago. Being that she was not to talkative I thought the scene was going to be just that. I was more than surprised. At first she was real tight and I knew id have to take my time and break her in inch by black cock inch. I could tell she was a lil nervous bout the dick so I talked her thru the first part. After that first part she was nice and loose and ready for some serious dick down.
I layed this dick deep in her, all the way to the cervix. Once I hit that she went insane on me. She bounced so hard on my dick and in every position she could dream of.
What surprised me the most is the amount of squirt that came out of her tiny body. I knew she squirted but had no idea she was going to have a rushing river flow out of her pussy. Her squirt almost hit the ceiling and the camera man in the eye.

  • 00:25:58
  • May 25, 2022
  • 643


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