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gentle giantess julia v earth saves the tiny man from the beach.

Gentle Giantess Julia V Earth saves the tiny man from the beach.
Custom video. I m a gentle giantess who is relaxing at the beach. Sitting on the sand, I accidentally saw a tiny man lying in the direct sun on the sand. I felt very sorry for him. I washed him in salt oceanic water, treated him with my beautiful face and decided that he would be much safer and more comfortable in my tummy. So the tiny man was swallowed by me.
Tags : outdoor, bikini, closeup, beach, giant, giantess, role-play, sfw, mouth-fetish, red-lipstick, face-fetish, tiny-man, theory-of-sex, julia-v-earth, save-for-work

  • 00:08:04
  • May 26, 2022
  • 49


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