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introducing colombian deepthroater dulce katy

Let us introduce you to a latina hottie - Dulce Katy. She is great at blowjobs as you would see very soon.
She has a teen-vibe of sorts. Great smile on her face just invites you to have some fun with her. And boy-o-boy what sort of deepthroating fun times we are ahead!
First things first - she teases. In that leather-kind of outfit she sports her tits barely fits in. Gorgeous sight! Perfect preview of what to come really. She quickly jumps on that dong we presented in front of her.
Starting off light, we end up quickly on the good stuff side of things. Yup - that is deepthroating. She took that dick in her mouth so deep that just by watching it, we can almost feel her throat touching the tip of our own penis. Lovely, really lovely.
OUr guy practically face fucked her. Messy saliva all over the place as she coping with the pace. And we all love that sort of lubrication right?
Fantastic view presents itself when all that juice drips everywhere during that little blowjob

  • 00:20:24
  • May 27, 2022
  • 180


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