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step-sister vika learns to change your messy diaper abdl

You re an AB and your age stepsister Vika is in charge of you the entire weekend. It s her first time being totally in charge and has never changed a messy diaper before. She sniffs the air & concerned with your frequent farting... P.U. She diaper checks you carefully and you habe a huge BM in your diaper! Oh dear, she calls stepmom on the phone and talks about her concern about changing her first #2 diaper. She s instructed to make you #3 in it first using the pink vibrating wand. She s super nice & obviously having fun with all this! Just sweet & matter of fact. After cumming in your messy diaper, she proceeds to change you, verbalizing everything she s doing. after, she s so proud of her first messy change!! She decides to be naughty and make you cum in your new clean diaper & makes you stay in it, heehee.
Tags : vika, diaper, abdl, diaper-change, messing-diaper, messy-diapers

  • 00:16:18
  • Jun 22, 2022
  • 343


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