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pinky & kapri styles vs. richard mann

Urban X Award Winner for Best 3 Some I have fucked Pinky more times than I can remember. She gives me a call one day and asked if I knew who Kapri Styles. Of course I know who Kapri Styles is I told her. I had been wanting to fuck Kapri Styles for years. Before Pinky could even ask the question did I wanna fuck her I say YES YES YES .. I asked when and where. Pinky says right now if you can come . I jump up, take a shower and was at Pinky s in 30min. Kapri was already there. Her and Pinky was in a room watching porn of me and smoking. I walk in and Kapri gets up, walks over to me and grabs my dick and tells me she been thinking bout fucking me all day. Yes, the day had finally come where I d get to fuck not only Kapri Styles but Pinky as well. I knew I had my work cut out for me. These 2 women got asses like you never seen. I mean huge beautiful round juicy asses. The lights are being set up and her Kapri is grabbing my dick again telling me how she needs to get fucked hard and dee

  • 00:40:08
  • Jul 12, 2022
  • 953


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