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i have masturbated with a huge black dildo

As I had already told you, I stayed home alone for a few days. Yesterday I woke up very horny and excited, so I grabbed my BBC dildo, my anal plug and let my imagination fly. I had 3 very strong and devastating orgasms imagining two cocks in my holes.
When I began to edit the images with my husband, I realized something that he always tells me..... What a cute little pussy I have!!!
Como eu já havia dito, fiquei em casa sozinhoa por alguns dias. Ontem eu acordei muito quente ,excitada, então peguei meu vibrador BBC, meu plug anal e deixei a minha imaginação voar !
Tive 3 orgasmos muito fortes e devastadores imaginando dois picas em meus buracos.
Quando comecei a editar as imagens com meu marido, percebi uma coisa que ele sempre me diz..... Que bucetinha gostosa eu tenho!!!
Tags : dildo, lesbian, pussy, black, wife, vibrator, masturbation, shaved-pussy, bisexual, hotwife, vibrador, buceta, masturbacion, bucetinha, siririca, consolador

  • 00:14:08
  • Jul 15, 2022
  • 53


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