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classmate discovers your diapers and tease you

You re inviting your classmate over for study partner help & as she s about to sit on your couch, you realize you left an adult diaper out! You re even wearing one under your pants. Yes, a risky move but you just love wearing diapers so much. to your horror, she notices the gigantic diaper right away and asks you what it is... even worse, she takes it and slowly unfolds it, confused as to whom it s for. She kinda hears you crinkling under your pants and is suspicious. she demands to know if you re wearing.. she reaches over and feels it, OMG! Why are you wearing a diaper?? do you... use them? is it wet or dry? so many realistic questions. a mix of emotions!! Confusion, weirdness, kind of curious. she diaper checks you & you re so hard in there, you cum as soon as she feels it! She s horrified, disgusted and even more so as you start your wet, cummy diaper right in front of her!!
Tags : diaper, diapers, diaper-fetish, model-vika

  • 00:10:45
  • Jul 20, 2022
  • 234


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