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casandra nix and veruca james are lesbian friends with benefits

The girls are looking for a new roommate and they all really seem to like Penny Pax. Riley Reid needs to take a shower and it seems she wants Lacey Leveah to join in. Penny walks in and sees them and they don t seem to mind her watching and try to convince her to join them. She heads back to her room and begins to get touchy feely with herself as she can hear the girls getting it on through the door. The next day, more discussion from the previous day, as Veruca James wants to know more details. And after the details, the flirting picks up between the two. Penny has fallen for Veruca, but right now she s got Cassandra on her mind. Penny is crushed, and Raylene finds her and it seems that things are bad back home, and even she got kicked out. Seems like things between these two are the reason things are bad back home.

  • 00:30:01
  • Aug 18, 2022
  • 142


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