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don t mind him - ashley wolf

Ashley Wolf has been having issues with her man in the bedroom. Namely he fact that he can’t satisfy her. Its been ongoing for months and finally she got the courage to let him know she is going to fuck someone else. At first he had an issue with it, but came to the conclusion that it is the best thing for their marriage and her pussy. After dressing up and blindfolding herself she waited for her lover. When she felt his strong hands on her supple body it was electric. His kiss lit a new fire in her soul and made her love tunnel gush. He took of the blindfold and made her unveil his massive cock. Her brain was nothing but fuzzy static and lust as it entered her mouth. She knew that this wouldn’t be the last time he would satisfy her needs. That was confirmed when he slipped inside her tight wet pussy and worked her over for the better part of a evening. She was making so much noise her hubby came in to watch and touch himself at the hedonistic display. The fun finally ended with her ge

  • 00:32:07
  • Sep 07, 2022
  • 422


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