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you love big cocks

You always considered yourself straight, but lately sucking cock has become a fascination of yours. You try to not think about it, but the more you try to ignore it, the more your desire grows each and every day. You have always wanted to experience it and find yourself fantasizing about it all the time. Finally you are ready to try it, but you need that last little push, a reason to do it. Well, now I am telling you to do it, ordering you to be my secret cock sucker. I describe just what it will be like, the feel, the touch, the taste, the way it throbs hmmm you could already feel him. Your cock is going to be twitching, throbbing and leaking while I describe your first cock sucking scenario. I want to train you to become an cocksucking expert, so good that you make every cock cum big time. By the time I am done with you, just having a cock in your mouth will make you cum handsfree. Give in to your desires!

  • 00:16:35
  • Sep 20, 2022
  • 41


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