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melody s first nude beach experience

I took Melody Cummings to the nude beach for the first time, with my sugar daddy, Big Max , where we met Funny FloridaMan for the first time, And had an audience of all the usual beach voyeurs! This scene is when we first get to the beach and i take her for a strut and swim and by swim, i mean, well, see for yourself what i mean in the underwater cam! Enjoy seeing us settle into our spot on the beach, as we begin to attract an audience. Things get hot and oily as we rub each other down with oil and start grinding, making out, all to the voyeurs (and our own) pleasure! I hope you enjoy Melody s first time at the nude beach as much as we all did! After the beach, we brought a couple of the guys we met to a spot one guy knew about on the pier. It was challenging giving these HJs right out on the pier with people coming and going, but you know how I roll! I don t give up until i get that nut out of them!

  • 00:43:05
  • Sep 21, 2022
  • 649


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