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honey, with a splash of eggs, yoghurt and custard

Lying in bed, wearing very short denim shorts, a beautiful top and a bottle of honey. Ali licks her sticky fingers and pours it over her body. She then climbs into the secret attic, plays with yoghurt, and climbs back down back into the bedroom with more honey.

Walking downstairs, she strips off her top, into the kitchen to lick a raw egg, rubbing it into her face and spitting it out. Then rubbing the yolk all over her breasts, she walks back up the stairs into the bathroom.
In the bathroom, she pours the rest of the honey down her open shorts, teasing you!
But, we don’t end there, she then plays with a tub full of sticky gunge, pouring it over herself. Then, putting on a white t-shirt on top of all that mess, she gets into the shower for that ultimate wetlook
Tags : hot, sexy, babe, girl, brunette, food, wet, tease, british, honey, wam, horney, small-tits, sticky, eggs, wetlook, splosh, gunge, custard, wet-and-messy

  • 00:30:03
  • Sep 27, 2022
  • 69


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