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girl trashed in horrendous, disgusting 45 minute food gunge wam

Brave, Ali is one brave girl. Gunged in endless food, with an endless list of the most revolting foods. Many various soups, pasta bakes, eggs, tomato ketchups, mayonnaise, brown sauce, baked beans, mustards, stew, spaghetti, thousand island dressing, beef and ale, sausage casserole, cream cheese, pickles and much much more. With so much gravy, 3 litres of vegetable oil, lard, and mushy peas, it makes a bad stink! But the list is vast.
she takes each one, starting of in a red dress and as the video goes on, she removes her clothes until the second half of the video when her naked body takes the full flavour! Close ups of messy breasts, and her bush.
She does so well, but then comes the fish… twice. Sardines in tomato sauce… and she screams! At the end of the video, we have a short interview, still messy, still naked and talking about the worst foods, before a bit of clean up after. The trailer shows the interview.

  • 00:45:38
  • Sep 28, 2022
  • 72


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