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milf bar booty w/ melissa monet

Im over here at a pub with David grabbing a bite to eat. Next thing we know our waitress is a sexy thick MILF with a whole lot of booty. Of course me and David look at each other thinking the same thing. Melissa Monet can be our newest milf for our next update. Sure enough as we leave she s outside waiting for a ride. Well since her ride is late we offered to take her home. After talking it up for a bit. Melissa took our invite and came back to the house. The chemistry between David and Melissa was like magic. Next thing you know. Melissa has a mouth full of Davids latin cock. Oh my! Melissa can suck a really good dick. Let s see if she can take it. All I know is that there was a lot of screaming and moaning. Enjoy!

  • 00:51:18
  • Sep 10, 2010
  • 3605


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