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best friends wife has a stressful day

I ve been attracted to my best friend s wife for as long as I can remember, but as a friend I’ve always been able to refrain from any kind of sexual tension I have built up for her. So today should have been like any other, we always have a day we use as a guys night out, just us doing whatever it is we decide to do. Well, today happened to be my day off and he and his wife both had to work late, but he informed me earlier it was cool to come over and just wait for him to get home. Just my luck, his sexy ass wife would be home early after having a stressful day at work, and she decided sliding a dildo in her dripping wet pussy would be the best way to relieve her stress. Once she offered me to help, what kind of man would I be if I ignored her request. What is a best friend to do but help his friend s wife out when she asks?

  • 00:18:36
  • Oct 17, 2022
  • 128


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