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erotic massage to hardcore fucking with puertorock

PuertoRock had never had a sensual massage before. He wanted to experience a topless Nuru session, so I asked him to help me take off my bra so we could be skin to skin. Once I got him on my massage table, I covered him in coconut oil...sliding my body on top of his, gliding along his body with my naked tits. I climbed up onto the table and continued to slide my body on top of his until his perfect cock was in my face. I pressed his cock between my tits, slowly and sensually titty fucking him. I couldn t resist any longer and I put his cock in my mouth, licking up and down the shaft of his dick, licking and sucking his balls...trying to fit them all in my mouth. Then PuertoRock offered to massage me...but what he really meant was to massage my pussy with his huge cock. Missionary, cowgirl, doggy, ass bouncing, erotic, with a big orgasm from me, and when he was ready to cum, I squeezed his cock between my tits and he came all over my chest.
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  • 00:39:37
  • Oct 17, 2022
  • 1558


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