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i am your piss slave gfe 4k

4K. GFE. JOI.POV. I sit playing Nintendo switch. I relax and I stretching my body. My boyfriend Doug is not at home, so I decide to take my pants off, so I can relax even better. I have to go pee, but I feel so comfortable that I decide to hold on. Suddenly Doug has come home and is standing in front of me. He is so perv. He looks at me and I can no longer hold on and I start peeing in front of his eyes (POV). He sees all this. It embarrasses me, and I ask him not to tell anyone about this. I ask what I can do that he won’t tell. I don t like that way how he look at me. He has something dirty in mind... He wants me naked in handcuffs, on my stomach reads Doug’s piss slave . I no longer bother to pee in front of him, I tell him jerk instructions and pee proudly in front of him. I hope he lets me free after this. (In the video I talk to a boyfriend named Doug)

  • 00:20:03
  • Oct 18, 2022
  • 128


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