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but you re my wifes best friend

Somehow I just can’t seem to keep my black ass out of trouble! Trouble always seems to find me! I was just minding my own business relaxing at home when my wife decided she needed to run to the store, she had her best friend visiting from out of town, and she was staying at our house, for whatever reason she decided she did not want to ask her friend to go with her! I didn’t think anything of it and just went on about my night. I was looking for her and noticed she went outside to chill in our spa. I just went outside to let her know that my wife ran to the store and would be right back. She responds that she forgot to pack a bathing suit and was an our spa naked. Now normally we don’t let anyone in our spa naked but she was already in! I said ok, and had it been anyone else, that would be the end of it! But it’s me, and here comes go ole trouble! she says come inside with her, what was I suppose to do, but see how it played out.

  • 00:14:50
  • Oct 24, 2022
  • 154


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