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stepson fucks the maid after she gives him the wrong medicine

She was a good maid. She did all the housework that her mistress didnt want to cooking and cleaning, and, although his wife didnt know it, fucking the husband. Then, one day, she accidentally gave his stepson the medicine that was there for him to take later before he fucked her really good and hard, like he liked to do in the evening, before his shave and shower. His stepson had had a headache and had asked her for help, and she just gave him the wrong bottle! well, it was too late to change anything now. he had already swallowed the stuff and was already starting to show a bulge in his pants. that would never do. His stepdad would notice over dinner, surely. She would just have to let him have his way with her pussy and get the medicine out of his system!

  • 00:19:07
  • Nov 11, 2022
  • 77


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