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premium extended edit - condom shopping with tryout on romana ryder

Premium 20 minute Extended Cut of Condom shopping with tryout on Romana Ryder - A random guy enters the sex shop to buy some condoms. The pleasant assistant is there to help her for sure. Shows all the different kinds of condoms they have in stock, so he can make an educated decision.

It is suspicious though, that why this guy is there... Does not he have some background motivation? Like... is he fancy the girl in the shop?

Afterall, when she brings out the goods to try it on, he is so quick to remove his pants. It is very likely that he was preparing for that encounter. Casually, Romanas boobs also come out from her bras, and she helps him to be hard, so the condom sample can be put on. She starts jerking his cock in an all professional - everything for the customer mentality.

Once that cock is hard enough, she helps putting it on his dick with her mouth. They start with a red one. It is not a good fit, so next up is a green one. It is applied on his cock in a

  • 00:18:13
  • Jan 31, 2023
  • 138


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