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dance for me with doroty,foxie t by vipissy

VIPissy presents Doroty,Foxie T in Dance For Me . Gorgeous redhead secretary Foxie is playing on her phone and looking at photos of stunning girls. Her girlfriend Doroty gives her a surprise and turns up at her door, just in time for some lesbian pissing fun! Doroty gives her a lap dance and turns Foxie on even more, before Foxie opens her legs, reveals her pussy and pisses all over Doroty s hot body. She lays down and Foxie licks up and down her toned body then starts to strip her gorgeous dark haired friend. Foxie kneels over on the leather sofa and Doroty pisses in her mouth, soaking her in the process! Our horny redhead minx licks Doroty s pussy before these naughty girls enjoy some 69 fun! Foxie kneels up and pisses into Doroty s mouth and these horny girls enjoy more golden showers. With both girls even more turned on and naked, Foxie fists Doroty s pussy then they enjoy using various sex toys including a magic wand vibrator!

  • 00:30:17
  • Feb 22, 2023
  • 182


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