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fast and furious piss with paula shy,antonia sainz by vipissy

VIPissy presents Paula Shy,Antonia Sainz in Fast and Furious Piss . Antonia Sainz is behind the camera for a change as she takes photos of her stunning friend, Paula Shy as she poses on a motorbike. She gets Paula to change her outfit to get a new look and as Paula strips back out of it again she suddenly feels the urge to piss. She holds onto her crotch and Antonia goes over to help her. Paula pulls her panties to one side while Antonia catches her pee stream in her hands! She licks her fingers then as Paula is masturbating on the sofa, Antonia pulls off her denim hotpants and lifts one of her legs up onto the back of the couch, pissing all over Paula s cropped top. Antonia continues to strip and once both pissing lesbians are naked, Antonia lays on the floor while Paula sprays her in more piss streams with her pussy gaped open by her fingers. Paula licks up her golden juices and makes her way to Antonia s nipples then helps antonia lay with her legs in the air before she pisses all

  • 00:25:40
  • Mar 03, 2023
  • 212


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