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blonde step mom crystal clark caught & sucks step sons dick - step fam pov

My step dad was out of town working for the week so it was just myself and my hot step mom Crystal Clark at home all week. It was pretty quiet at home and I couldn’t do anything. However, I walked outside to take a dip in the pool and to my surprise she was laying out naked. NAKED. I couldn’t believe my eyes and I was shocked. I walked up closer and closer to her to get a better look. She suddenly woke up and caught me spying on her. At the moment, I started stripping to join her laying out naked. She immediately shut it down and realized my step dad wasn’t home. She told me to just relax, lay back, and not to worry. As soon as I laid down, she wrapped her lips and hand around my cock giving me the sloppiest blowjob I could’ve imagined.

  • 00:06:32
  • Mar 10, 2023
  • 299


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