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luscious in lace with catherine sand by wet and puffy

Wet And Puffy presents Catherine Sand in Luscious In Lace . Let s welcome hot blonde Catherine to Wet and Puffy for her debut! She is sitting at the dressing table brushing her hair while admiring her reflection in the mirror. Catherine starts feeling horny and teases her tits as she pulls the top of her lace bodystocking to the middle to get easier access to her tits. She opens her legs and rubs her pussy through the hole in her crotchless outfit. She sits on the edge of the dressing table and fingers her juicy puffy pussy. Feeling even more horny than before, Catherine breaks out a purple sex toy and teases her pussy with it. She gets onto the floor and moves onto a much bigger purple textured dildo. She slips it in and out of her puffy pussy and then licks it clean before continuing her solo play. We get some seriously hot closeup action of her as she pleasures herself and Catherine gives herself a gentle orgasm right there on the rug!

  • 00:20:38
  • Mar 17, 2023
  • 129


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