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strip for us

My buddy and I spent a night out at the strip club. We were mingling with the strippers and getting lap dances the usual. There was this one mature stripper who showed us a really good time, let us get very handsy with her body, and didn’t trip out about it. I told my buddy we should invite her to stop by our place when she got off work, not really thinking anything of it. We got back home and were just talking about how our night went when we got a knock on our door. Assuming it was our buddy bringing over some drinks, we were definitely wrong; the stripper we had invited over actually stopped by and decided to give us a private lap dance! I figured why stop there, so I threw out, How about we give you some dick as well? She definitely liked that idea.

  • 00:24:50
  • Mar 25, 2023
  • 251


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