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stroke your cock to my long hair (with samantha hayes)

You have a long hair fetish and Samantha knows it. She wants to watch you stroke your cock as she brushes her long, shiny hair. As she brushes her hair, your hand massages your dick to her rhythm. It turns you on knowing that Samantha is getting wet and excited just from watching you jack off. She slides out of her bra for you. She flings her long hair around as she whispers to you. Now you really get to see her tan lines. She begs you not to stop stroking your cock. You’re not stopping until Samantha makes you cum. It won’t be much longer because she is so sexy. When she pulls down her panties, you nearly fall over from seeing her incredible bush. Even her pussy hair is long! It is long enough that Samantha runs her brush through it. She removes her panties and you can now see all that she has to offer, including hairless pussy lips. Please don’t stop stroking because Samantha must see you cum right now. Cum for Samantha!

  • 00:08:49
  • Mar 27, 2023
  • 164


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