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molly little 1- rich cali girl begs for suncream from lifeguard

Its a sunny day in California!

Ever wonder what its like being a lifeguard in California, where the hottest girls and teens roam!

I was almost halfway through my shift on a beautiful sunny day, when all of a sudden, this hot teen starts running up to me asking me to help apply some sunscreen. But she wasn t holding any bottle of sunscreen!

So shortly after telling me that she was local and that she was on the beach by herself that day, she invites me to her multi million dollar mansion as her parents were gone. Appartenlty that s where she keeps her sunscreen. Fine.

I constantly reiterate that we would need to hurry up before my boss finds out I left. But it is my duty to not allow sunburns on my beach!

One thing led to another, and Molly makes me eat her pussy! Of course I couldn t resist! This happens almost weekly! SO i slowly peal her bathing suit bottoms off, wipe some sand off, and start EATING!

I eat her pussy for a few min, then bend h

  • 00:29:02
  • Apr 05, 2023
  • 756


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