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back to diapers & girl clothes again with nurse diaperperv

Your adult caregiver/nurse Diaperperv is back from vacation & you know she s not going to be happy when she finds out what you talked the temporary nurse into doing! FIrst it s hugs time & she goes to check your diapers & you re wearing only a pullup... and one that s about to leak all over. in fact, it did leak when she shoves her hands all the way down between your legs... and why are you wearing boy clothes?! Ohhh, you talked your way into pullups and boy clothes when D-Perv was on vacation. Well, she s going to put you back into diapers on the changing table... and a cute purple dress for Easter! Cute headband and stockings. She feels your diaper and it s already getting warm and wet. She feels your clitty getting SO hard and encourages you to roll on your stomach and grind against your wet diaper cuz that s what diaper girls do. She encourages you to keep grinding and keep going... faster faster... she even puts her hand between your thighs on your diaper... cum in you

  • 00:09:43
  • Apr 08, 2023
  • 155


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