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blowing long neck balloons is awesome - immeganlive

You love balloons, you love being on the edge of your seat watching a me blowing balloons until they re about to pop & feel all of the adrenaline going through ur veins? Well, this is definitely for u! A full 30+minutes UNCUT of me blowing huge 12 inches Paw Patrol balloons til their necks become so big! Almost impossible to tie them! Since I have long nails, they could pop at any moment! They re all done without pump! Spoiler Alert: One is going to pop in my face, but I ll blow an extra one to really have 12 total to pop in the vid. I ll talk during the whole time telling you how much fun I have doing this for you! I ll even blow 2 of them sitting down, leg crossed just for you. You are so impatient to see me pop them right! Well for the grand finale, you ll have the pleasure to see my beautiful arched feet stepping on them in different angles. Bare foot is so sexy! All those OVERINFLATED balloons popping will make you go crazy and ask for more! PS: I ll sit pop one as a small bon

  • 00:33:05
  • Nov 22, 2021
  • 84


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