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diaper lover medical store employees change your diaper & cum

You go into a medical supply store to get more adult diapers & Sinn Sage is ready to advise you... what size is the person wearing them? oh, it s for you! She starts showing you a couple of diaper samples & looks down as there s a WET SPOT on your pants. Oh no... your diaper leaked & she noticed. She asks if she can check you & sees your bad tape job. She offers to take you to the backroom & change you properly... it s ok, no big deal. She tells you to lie down & starts changing your diaper when her coworker, D-Perv walks by and starts giggling. ummm... why are you changing someone in the back? She stays to watch... they notice you re really hard under your new padding & start teasing you by rubbing the front of your diaper. They re enjoying it so much... Sinn rubs faster & faster as they enjoy watching & encourage you to cum in your thick diaper! Mmmmm... you cum so hard as these girls watch & giggle! You all really enjoyed the e

  • 00:13:56
  • Apr 14, 2023
  • 361


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