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piss of xmas present with antonia sainz,jenifer jane by vipissy

Merry Christmas to all of our members here at VIPissy! Today we join Antonia Sainz who is jiggling along to some festive music while cleaning. She looks at a glass jug with a mischievious look in her eye and pulls up her miniskirt before she starts filling it with her golden juices. Sexy brunette Jenifer Jane comes down the stairs and sits at the bar when Antonia offers her a drink. She pours her a special drink from her jug full of piss and Jenifer drinks it, gulping down every last drop. Antonia asks her if she wants anymore and proceeds to pour two glasses before they toast and enjoy more piss drinking. Jenifer kneels up with one leg on the stool and start peeing her pants when Antonia confesses that she has been drinking her juices. She shows her how it s done and kneels up on the bar, filling up a glass with a fresh stream and Jenifer happily sips from it then opens up her leather jacket to take some golden showers from thie kinky redhead barmaid. Jenifer pours the rest of the jug

  • 00:25:04
  • Apr 17, 2023
  • 232


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