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piss soaked tattoos with melanie dark,alexa lewis by vipissy

VIPissy presents Melanie Dark,Alexa Lewis in Piss Soaked Tattoos . Alexa Lewis and Melanie Dark feature in our latest VIPissy scene and they are at the dressing table with Melanie brushing Alexa s hair. Alexa loves the look of her slim, petite friend and talks her into some fun. Melanie sits up on the dressing table while Alexa licks her pussy and then leans back to take golden showers over her clothing. Alexa pulls down her dress to get her tits soaked in piss and also takes piss in mouth too! Melanie licks Alexa s nipples and moves down to her pussy to fuck her with a makeup brush! These tattooed pissing lesbians both get soaked and they head over to the couch where they continue their pussy play with a rainbow dildo. Melanie gets to enjoy it first before Alexa takes her turn and both of these babes pause to piss again! These pissing pornstars use their rainbow dildo on each other and orgasm with Melanie catching Alexa s final pee stream in her hands, splashing it all over herself!

  • 00:23:46
  • Apr 27, 2023
  • 320


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