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bigger than the baby bbc

THICKEST BBC IN THE WORLD stretches me almost as much as I would be if he KNOCKED ME UP - As some of you know, my husband went back to Colorado to check in on our land and other businesses while I was on my peri0d and for a week after... by the time I was ovulating, I hadn t had any cock or any cum in almost two weeks... I was SO horny and I needed a massive cock to stretch me out and give me cum! When my husband suggested I hit up Jovan Jordan for my first ever solo collab, I was honestly a little intimidated... all the other times I ve shot with him I ve been working and bunch and was super warmed up... not this time though. Maybe I was just so tight from not having had any sex for weeks, maybe it was because I was ovulating, maybe it was just the look in my eye, but Jovan could hardly hold back... I had him on his edge in a couple minutes, and I just kept sliding back BALLS DEEP on his massive cock and almost making him pop! He almost lost it so many times... if you ve ever been too

  • 00:37:13
  • May 01, 2023
  • 3349


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