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bridgette b big tits brazilian big cock pov blowjob and huge messy facial - hot!

Bridgette B. Tags: Blonde, Blowjob, Fake Tits, Brazilian, Dick Sucking Lips, DSLs, Facial, Fuck Toy, Latina, POV, Bubble Butt

Perfect Blast. Bridgette B is a beautiful blonde with big brown eyes and an even bigger mouth! That makes her perfect for Facials Forever because we love facial cumshots that really show off the alluring eye-contact and wide open lips of the world s best cum catchers! When the cum starts splattering all over her pretty face, Bridgette has to use all her emotional strength to hold herself back from swallowing it. She s has years of training as a jizz swallower, so learning to let it paint a pretty mask of spunk on her mouth, cheeks and chin BEFORE taking it in and down her throat definitely required a lot of coaching. Bridgette B Learns To Swallow AFTER the Facial! ~Scott Hancock

  • 00:17:13
  • May 10, 2023
  • 138


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