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dangerous when wet and pissy kisses with taissia,morgan by vipissy

VIPissy presents Taissia,Morgan in Dangerous When Wet and Pissy Kisses . Morgan and Taissia are like pb & j. The two hotties are past the starlet stage and neither of them takes precedence over the other. Taissia is like a good girl waiting for a doctor to walk into the room, but that s no doctor walking through the door, and Taissia s face lights up knowing that things are about to get very intense once Morgan arrives. The girls have a lot more in common than their jean shorts and practical tops, and the amount of screen time they share is a testament to that. There is no sense of urgency from the girls, working away at their garments at a leisurely and satisfactory pace. Their exchanges - from toe sucking to straight up kissing - are equally extensive, but the action never feels over indulged nor platonic in style. Laughing and giggling, Morgan and Taissia indulge in so much fun that a more than a few words would be required to properly credit them for their effort.

  • 00:53:53
  • May 11, 2023
  • 449


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