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sister river get s sinful ariel to confess her sins

Ariel is is stripped of makeup, fancy hair or fancy clothing. She is naked and tied to a chair. The evil nun, London River enters and tells Ariel that her vanity is a sin and she must be punished. Ariel is tied in tight rope bondage as she is clothespinned and given a BSDM Zipper. Clothes Pins are put on her pussy lips until they are raw and tender and she gets orgasm denial which is one of her all-time least favorite things in the world. The Zipper is ripped off when Ariel is finally allowed to cum. Then Ariel is tied in doggie position. Her feet are tortured with hot wax and a crop. The hot wax is dripped all over Ariel and then whipped off of her. She is then fucked with a strap-on in her pussy. Finally Ariel is tied with one leg lifted so that the evil nun can have easy access to her asshole. Ariel is made to have an Anal orgasm and left to repent for her sins

  • 00:27:06
  • May 15, 2023
  • 237


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