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i love your cum, step-daddy (with shyla jennings) - jerk off instructions

Your step daughter wants to talk to you, but she thinks you need to sit down for this chat. Uh-oh. This could be big. You hope for the best. Shyla said that she was going through her step-mom s phone and she found text messages from some guy named Rico. It is someone she works with, and Shyla found out that they have been napping together for a few months. She did not confront her step-mother about this, but she thought that you deserve to know. The text messages were very sexual in nature and Shyla is really disappointed with her step-mother for how she is treating you. She wants to let you know that she thinks that you deserve someone better than her step-mother. You have been so good to Shyla over the years and she thinks that she might be the one for you. This throws you a little because Shyla is not as old you are. You have watched her grow up, but she is now a consenting adult and you consider acting on the urges you both seem to be feeling. Why don t you let Shyla take care of y

  • 00:11:34
  • May 17, 2023
  • 555


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