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stretching out brookie s pussy

After accidentally seeing her step dads Mammoth of a dick in the shower, Brookie wonders if she can handle so much cock. Her boyfriend is pretty big, but if she can some how handle her step dad s dick she should be more than fine. She doesn t have to do much convincing to get him to help, since he already has been checking her out around the house in her little tight cheeky shorts. It s been awhile since he got to worship so much ass. They pinky promise not to tell her mother as he unleashes the beast upon her. It barely fits in her mouth but she doesn t quit. He stretches her pussy out in many ways. So now her boyfriend should have no issues. He teaches her how to take the cum in her mouth like a good girl. What else are step parents for but to be helpful.

  • 00:36:27
  • May 23, 2023
  • 1099


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